A Triple Wedding

Worried about paying for your kids’ weddings? Do as my 8th great-grandparents did, and marry off three of your offspring at once! Think of the convenience and savings!

Claude LeSimple and Marie Léveillé had eleven children, and eight of them survived to adulthood and married. That’s more than most people in that time and place had to worry about marrying off. Double weddings weren’t unusual then, but this is the first time I’ve run into a triple wedding.

On 27 January 1739 the following siblings were married in Sancerre, Cher, France.1

  • Pierre Le Simple to Françoise Le Faistre
  • Jeanne Le Simple to Pierre Paillard
  • André Le Simple to Marie Breneau (image above)

Research tip: When you find the marriage record of a family member, always look at the surrounding records to see if other family was married at the same time. I’ve found a few previously unknown siblings this way.

  1. Archives Départmentales du Cher, Sancerre, 3E 1033, 1738-1776, 27 janvier 1739, image 20/376. ↩︎

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